C3 Financial Partners

C3 Financial Partners’ Insights | Fall 2018

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G1 to G4 – Communication is the Key

Author: Jay F. Wheless, Retired

The phrase “Family Business” can conjure up many images and ideas. Multiple generations working happily together to provide a livelihood and sense of security for each other. Each family member contributing his or her unique skills and abilities to a business they are all equally passionate about. Each generation taking up the mantle of hard work from the one before it, and paving the way for the next one.

While this is an achievable ideal, most family businesses will encounter many trials along the way. Find out how to overcome the obstacles that stand in front of every family business no matter the industry.

Click here to read the full article

Dallas CAP-py Hour

supporting the chartered advisor in philanthropy

The Dallas CAP® alumni community was honored to host Philip Cubeta from The American College of Financial Services. Phil spoke on “Life, Love, and Legacy after Tax Reform”. Attendees were fascinated and inspired by his insights into how families move forward in this new financial climate.

Todd S. Healy, C3 Founder (formerly Texas Financial Partners), and Carolyn J. Smith, Senior Partner, both hold the CAP® designation. Philanthropic giving is an important part of many of our clients’ plans, and this designation gives us an added level of experience and knowledge when it comes to maximizing the benefit of philanthropy to all parties.

C3 looks forward to the next CAP® class in the first quarter of 2019.

If interested, contact Rebecca Bates at [email protected].




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