C3 Financial Partners

Consume and Converse with Mindy Jones | Why Longevity Matters

“Today many of us will live 30 years longer than our grandparents did.”

Mindy Jones, Managing Principal at Dallas’ Pyxis Care, shared this stunning insight and others at C3 Financial Partners’ September Consume and Converse event, which focused on the challenges presented to families and wealth holders by increasing life expectancy.

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In order to plan effectively for the future, it is crucial to factor in the impact of longevity. This impact is deepening as health care costs continue to outpace inflation. In fact, a recent Harvard University study found that medical expenses are now the leading cause of personal bankruptcies.

“An MIT professor at the Longevity Center said people born today have a 50/50 chance of living to 100 years old,” commented C3 Founder Todd S. Healy. “There are more adult diapers sold in Japan today than infant diapers.”

Todd’s comments drew a laugh from the crowd, but the implications were serious: people are living longer, and younger populations aren’t keeping pace. As Mindy added, the question now becomes, who will change the diaper? Who will provide the care? “Never before as advisors have we been in a position to influence 7 generations at once. Planning in a 7-generation world requires broad perspective and new thinking.”

It can be difficult for families to discuss “the plan” for their aging elders. Knowing where to start—and what to ask—can be emotionally overwhelming. As a result, many families, and heads of families, unfortunately, do not effectively communicate their wishes for their estate.

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Todd S. Healy, Mindy Jones, Carolyn J. Smith, Jay F. Wheless


What can be done?  Adding a professional “care coordinator” to the advisory team early in the planning process is one answer.  With this professional on the team, individuals and their families can communicate and plan for financial, legal, and personal care needs.  While aging is not a choice, planning for impact of longevity can be.

In response to this dialogue, one event participant commented that they had “never really thought to think about this… Those difficult conversations were ones we didn’t really have as a family and that made it all more difficult.”

The knowledge gained at the event was eye-opening for many. C3 Senior Partner, Carolyn J. Smith, remarked that “Mindy Jones shared examples of how longevity is impacting all phases of planning. This makes communication and coordination with your family and advisors more important than ever.”

C3 hosts regular events in its Consume and Converse series to bring together members of Texas’ life insurance and financial planning communities around various topics of professional import. About this latest event, Todd added, “We were proud to have Mindy Jones present on the impact of longer life expectancy on all our family members and clients, and to offer solutions to all the associated issues.”

Participants use the San Antonio Consume and Converse events to share questions and insights on these topics, as well as to strengthen connections. As one attendee noted about herself and a colleague, “We have gotten to know each other from the C&C, and now also share some clients.”

To view Mindy’s presentation, please download the attached PowerPoint:

Healthcare Considerations 2018

About Our Presenter

Pyxis Care Management, Managing Principal

Mindy Jones is the Managing Principal at Dallas’ Pyxis Care Management, a firm that works with professional advisors to advocate for the health, well-being, and quality of life of their mutual clients. With more than ten years’ experience in health advocacy, she holds an MBA from the University of Texas at Dallas, as well as a BS from Indiana University and an MS from Purdue.

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