At our February Consume & Converse, Dr. Otis Baskin shared his experience in management and governance/decision-making issues in family businesses. Otis has worked with family-owned businesses in the United States and around the world for the past 20 years.
Joining Otis was Rory Siefer, owner of Epic Bound, and Greg Vaughn, founder of The Video Biography Company. Rory creates visually stunning coffee-table books that combine fascinating history with jaw-dropping artwork to make the past come alive! Greg is an Emmy Award Winning producer who bridges generations with his amazing video biographies.
Dr. Otis Baskin is a consultant with The Family Business Consulting Group. He has served as an advisor to senior management, owners, and boards for public and private organizations in the United States, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. His primary expertise is in helping business-owning families develop plans for leadership succession (continuity), strategies for growth, and family ownership/governance structures.
Otis is Emeritus Professor of Management at The George L. Graziadio School of Business and Management at Pepperdine University, where he served as dean from 1995 to 2001. His academic career spans more than 25 years, including positions as dean of the Fogelman College of Business and Economics at The University of Memphis; director of the School of Management at Arizona State University, West Campus; coordinator of the management faculty at the University of Houston – Clear Lake; visiting scholar in Family Business at Oxford University, England, and visiting professor for Family Business at ITESM (Monterrey Tech), Mexico.
He has authored seven books, including Effective Leadership in Family Business, co-authored with Craig Aronoff, in addition to numerous academic articles and published papers in the areas of organizational communication and family business.