C3 Financial Partners

December 2024 Newsletter

Equal and Fair Are Not the Same

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When it comes to planning for children and grandchildren, fairness can be a complex goal, especially in families where some children have children of their own, while others do not.  Balancing wishes for equality with the unique circumstances of each family member requires careful thought and creative strategies.

In our latest blog, available at the link below, we explore some non-traditional approaches to planning that can help ensure everyone is treated fairly – even when fairness doesn’t mean equal treatment.

At C3 Financial Partners, we collaborate with clients and their advisors to navigate these challenges, helping to both create and execute a plan that aims to implement their planning objectives.

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IRS Applicable Federal Rate Update

The latest AFR rates have been released and this month, we saw a rise in each of the short-term and mid-term rates while the long-term rate remained unchanged from last month.  To see the updated rates, head to the link below.

And please note – you can access the link on our homepage to check current and historic AFR rates at any time!

See The AFR Report

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Congrats to Todd!

Our Founder, Todd Healy, was surprised at the recent Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Annual Meeting when he was awarded the Chairman’s Award from the organization.

Each year, the chairman of the DJCF board of trustees selects a person to receive the chairman’s award.  This award is given to someone whose contributions have positively impacted the foundation’s mission.

When presenting the award, the Chairman noted his decision was an easy one given Todd’s influence and leadership on the organization and in the community at large.

Another fun fact that was noted when presenting this honor- Todd is the first non-Jewish trustee of the DJCF!

Join us in congratulating Todd on this amazing honor!

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Happy Holidays!

It’s hard to believe that we are already wrapping up 2024!

As this is our final newsletter of the year, we wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy holiday season and a happy and healthy 2025 from everyone here at C3 Financial Partners!

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The information presented here is for educational purpose only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual nor does it take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs of individual investors.  This material is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for tax advice.  Any tax advice contained herein is of a general nature.  You should seek specific advice from your tax professional before pursuing any idea contemplated.

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