C3 Financial Partners

February 2022 Newsletter

A Powerful Technique to Mitigate Taxes

Between the constant discussion about taxes in DC and the likely sunsetting in 2025 of the current estate tax exemption to approximately half its current level, it has become imperative to engage in proactive planning to protect individuals’ financial legacies.

Fortunately, there are tools and techniques available today to mitigate the impact of both current estate tax policies and planned, future changes to the policies.

In our latest blog, available at the link below, we look at one such tool available – Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs).

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IRS Applicable Federal Rate Update

The rates continue to rise!  To see the current rates, as well as the historical rates, you can view our AFR report at the link below.

See the AFR Report

Upcoming C&C Event – Tom Rogerson

A reminder that on Tuesday, February 22 from 12-1 (CST), we will be hosting our next C&C Event.  Our guest, Tom Rogerson, is a recognized leader and pioneer in family governance and legacy planning. He will be speaking about how a “seven-step process to healthy family governance” can become a critical part of your practice and your client’s success.

To learn more about the event and register to attend, click the button below.

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Register Here

Individuals and businesses, even nonprofits, engage us to identify, prepare for, and manage some of the risks they can't control.

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