This Spring, the C3 team created our own book club to review The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. Reading the book was an eye-opening experience for all. “Hurry is a state of frantic effort one falls into in response to inadequacy, fear, and guilt.”
We appreciate modern technology; but none of us recognized just how that technology, especially social media, has affected our lives. Learning that, on average, humans have an attention span less than that of a goldfish (8 seconds vs 9 seconds) was shocking! People don’t spend the time learning the way they used to because they don’t have to. Instant gratification, information, and responses are the way of the world now. It could be said that technology is making us dumber.
Each week, the team was challenged to reduce their screen time. Instead of scrolling through social media sites, we spent time with a family member or friend, or took a walk and truly paid attention to our surroundings and listened to the world around us. Many of us are guilty of saying we don’t have enough hours in a day; but just how much of our time is spent unnecessarily scrolling Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and so on? Our phones are kind enough to track the information for us, so it is easy to see just how much time is spent (wasted) on apps. A few minutes here and there add up quickly!
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry encourages readers to address “hurry sickness” – skimming life instead of living it. No matter how busy we are, by prioritizing our time, having silence to eliminate external chatter, slowing down, and simplifying, we can all live more deliberately.